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Related Experience


Voice Over Talent and Video Freelancer | 2016 - Present


Various aspects of video production for UPwords Inc, a leadership development company; American Advertising Federation, Central Michigan University chapter. Responsibilities include: following and regulating work timeline, sourcing content, editing, and voice-over work. 


General Member | 2016-2017, President | 2017-2018


President responsibilities: responsible for coordinating the productions and teams. Leading meeting and coordinating executive board members. Pre-production, production and post-production responsibilities.

General member responsibilities: responsible for different aspects of pre-production, production, and post-production. Tasks included: writing, editing, audio, camera work, and directing.


General Member | 2015-2017


Worked on different productions in various roles including actor, audio, and cinematography.

Work ExperiencE


Hostess | June 2017-August 2017


Representing the first impression of sister restaurants – keeping in line with the hip and contemporary brand with a friendly, inviting culture. Managing seating chart and server rotation for up to 45 tables – covering 5 levels, using headsets to communicate. Successfully dealt with “problem customers”. Received serving staff accolades “You are one of the hardest working hostesses...”, “You are a rockstar!”, “You are a great hostess – you handled that problem so well.” Given responsibility for daily chalkboard specials and updates. Set and bussed tables, answered phones, and managed wait list.


Cashier | May 2016-August 2016


Cashier with high-touch customer interaction. Bypassed entry-level Courtesy Clerk position and hired in as Cashier to leverage stellar people skills providing best-in-class customer service/interaction and care. Earned “individual cash register” after completing 4 day training in 2 days due to eagerness, engagement, and focus. Was offered full-time status within 2 weeks of being hired. Trained new cashier who received accolades for thoroughness of knowledge and training speed.


Administrative Assistant | June 2014-August 2014


Seller of woodworking equipment parts. Communicated with U.S. and European-based clients. Ordered and shipped product daily – acting as an inside sales/parts department. Responsible for entire business finances, including: deposits, QuickBooks, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and invoicing. Coordinated schedules, booked travel plans, and set-up trade show event.

Related Course Work

BCA 508: Screenwriting for the Cinematic Narrative


Writing narrative scripts and analyzing different writing styles within in the film industry. Culminated in writing a 90-page minimum feature film. 


BCA 527 A & B: Directors


Two similar courses one studying female directors and the other studying the works of Wes Anderson and PT Anderson, respectively. Took not of stylistic choices and growing knowledge of industry professionals.


BCA 503: Critiquing Mass Media


A critical approach to mass communications systems and content with special attention to the electronic media’s aesthetic properties and economic, political and societal effects. 


BCA 510: Electronic Media Law


A history and introduction to all forms of media law including, but not limited to, free speech, obscenity, copyright, libel and many others. Looked at various defining cases and notable moments in media history.


BCA 440: Introduction to Cinematic Production and Post Production


Video production techniques and practices, gaining knowledge on both hardware and software. Hands-on project-based course.


COM 361: Interpersonal Communication


A study in interpersonal communication and people skills. Looks at various types of relationships.


COM 357: Public Speaking


Project-based class looking at public speaking skills, and writing and outlining speeches and presentation.


COM 353: Small Team Communication


Techniques when working with a team and establishing positive leadership skills. Work in a small team for the semester to complete projects and grow in leadership knowledge.




Central Michigan University | Bachelor of Applied Arts

2015- Present


Broadcasting and Cinematic Arts major with a concentration in video production. Double minor in communication and media design, production, and technology. Expected graduation December 2018.

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