
Heidi F.
President and CEO of UPwords Inc. Former Employer
"I am so pleased with the videos Madison created for my business! I was creating a new module for a workshop and needed another medium to help deepen the learning. I gave Madison a list of descriptors and some basic direction, and she was off and running! She was very self-directed, creatively engaged, and able to handle my tight timeline. She found /selected all of the images and created the actual content (including text, images, and music) for all 9 videos. I really appreciated her maturity in professionally advising me - she suggested 2-2.5 minutes per video instead of my original instruction of 4 minutes. I appreciated her input, as she was absolutely correct! The workshop was a huge success, the videos were very impactful, and my clients loved them!"
Nicole B.
Central Michigan University Graduate, Member of Phi Mu Fraternity, Member of the Central Michigan University chapter of the American Advertising Federation.
"I have had the pleasure of working with Madison as both a peer and as a colleague for three years. Madison is fiercely dedicated to all aspects of her life. Whether it’s her passion for editing films and producing content, to her brilliant leadership on our sorority’s executive board. During the time I’ve known her, I’ve seen Madison’s passion and dedication for others continue to bloom. As my colleague, Madison has been a terrific helping hand. When I am in a pinch for editing video content Madison is always there to help. Whether it’s putting together a commercial for me within an hour or helping me set up shots for my videos she is consistent and always ready to lend a helping hand. Even in the face of adversity from her higher-ups, Madison takes the struggles and the disappointments of her peers and turns them around to keep moving forward. Madison is a great addition to any team. She will always stay focused and dedicated to any task she is put up to."

Hallie R.
Academic Chairwoman of Phi Mu Fraternity Rho Delta Chapter.
"Madison Frye is one of the strongest women I am lucky enough to call my friends. She always is there to listen to someone with open ears. She's is an EXCELLENT mediator and just somehow knows how to handle any situation you throw at her. She is the Vice President of Phi Mu fraternity and does a lot with it. She is in charge of so much more than people know. She runs and edits every PowerPoint that is used for the meeting. She is in charge of keeping track of every committee head to make sure they know what they are doing. She gets information for people who have questions without delay. Madison makes sure all of the executive board turns in paperwork well before the deadlines and helps out whenever she possibly can. She does all this with such poise and grace. She is extremely determined and once she puts her mind to something she gets it done."